Preparing for change

Is your business ready for the new Employment Rights Bill?

Following the General Election on 5th July, Labour is introducing a new Employment Rights Bill, which is currently in the consultation phase.  

This Bill sets out to protect workers rights and has implications for business of all sizes. 

In their manifesto, Labour pledged to pass this legislation within 100 days of taking office, which could mean these changes are law by mid-October 2024. 

Business leaders need to prepare for these changes to employment laws in order to ensure their SMEs can respond quickly and find the commercial advantages the proposals could represent. 

Is Your Business Ready for the Employee Rights Bill?

Take our free Employment Rights Readiness Check to find out where you need to focus first with tailored insights to prepare for change

What are the key employment law changes? 

Day One Rights

Employees to access rights such as making a claim for unfair dismissal, redundancy and flexible working from day one of employment.  

Providing that employers have robust recruitment processes and operate transparent performance management processes, particularly during probationary periods, dismissal cases should be an exception rather than a common occurrence. 

Removing lower earnings limit on Statutory Sick Pay so all workers are eligible and removing the current 3 ‘waiting days’ 

Equal pay & discrimination

Enhanced protections and mandatory pay gap reporting gaps based on gender, disability and ethnicity. 

Strengthening protections for pregnant women by making it unlawful to dismiss a woman who is pregnant for six months after her return, except in specific circumstances. 

Single ‘worker’ status

Currently there’s a clear distinction between workers and employees. Under the proposals ‘workers’ become eligible for addition rights such as sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal.  If this went through it would require us to re-visit our employment practices in operations

A Single Enforcement Body

This would have the power to inspect workplaces and bring civil proceedings against businesses that breach worker employment rights. 

Zero Hours Contracts

Ban on exploitative zero hours contracts after the first 12 weeks of work, rather than an outright ban. 

Now would be a good time to review which members of your team will benefit from being on a zero-hours contract while a detailed consultation process is underway. 

Genuine living wage for younger workers

Labour have proposed removing the current age bands, so that everyone aged 18 and over will get the same hourly rates of pay. 

Audit the number of 18-20 year olds you employ in your business and understand the costs that the changes to their pay scale will involve. Plan ahead to prepare for the cost increases and look at where savings and tax efficiencies could be made. 

Right to disconnect or switch off

A proposal that everyone should have the right to ‘switch off’ and disconnect from work (outside their contractual hours), a legal right which is currently offered in other European countries, including Ireland. This could significantly impact SMEs.  It’s very unclear how this would be measured or defined but it would likely impact the use of out of hours communication tools such as email, Teams, and could drive businesses to adjust hours or deploy out of hour rotas, so they can continue to operate 24/7. 

Impact on Businesses 

The King delivered his speech setting out Labour’s plans on 17th July.  In a nutshell, while the Employment Rights Bill aims to improve conditions for employees, it places the burden on businesses to adapt and potentially invest in new systems and processes to ensure compliance and maintain operational efficiency. 

We expect a clearer picture to emerge over time, but the Employment Rights Bill is expected to have several significant impacts on SMEs. Here are some key areas: 

Increased Costs

You might face higher costs due to the need to comply with new regulations. These costs can arise from 

  • Administrative costs involved in implementing the regulations and increased record-keeping 
  • Training costs due to upskilling your team, particularly management 
  • Payroll costs due to the scrapping of age-related pay bands and zero-hours contracts. 
  • Flexible working rules may require you to invest in technology and cybersecurity measures to support remote work.

Enhanced worker protections

The bill aims to provide greater protection for workers, which can impact your business in several ways: 

  • Increased or more flexible leave entitlements could require you to adjust staffing plans to cover absences. 
  • Ensuring compliance with equal pay and anti-discrimination laws might require you to carry out audits and adjustments in pay structures. 
  • The new rules around flexible work may mean you need to look at how adjustments to scheduling and work hours could impact how you manage your teams. 

Dispute Resolution

Currently employees have 3 months to bring a claim, the new proposal would increase this to 6 months: 

  • Make sure that you have robust procedures in place on how to handle internal grievances. 
  • Ensure your managers are trained in how to manage performance reviews and hold difficult conversations so that you can effectively record and monitor employee capability. 

Recruitment and retention

Improved employee rights can positively impact recruitment and retention: 

  • Review your current recruitment, onboarding and probationary period processes and relevant documentation to enable you to operate with these new day 1 rights in place 
  • Enhanced rights along with a robust induction programme can lead to higher employee satisfaction and engagement, potentially reducing turnover. 

What do I need to do to prepare my business? 

While action may not be required immediately, it would certainly be recommended to focus on your people processes, policies and practices, and make sure your business is fully fit for the future. You will need to incorporate these changes into your long-term business plan. 

  • Review your current recruitment, onboarding and probationary period processes and relevant documentation to enable you to operate with these new day 1 rights in place. Review discrimination policies.
  • Review and agree notice periods with both employee and employer for new hires from October 24 onwards. Ensure all contracts reflect regular hours worked
  • Do some cost analysis based on the proposed changes to sick pay and hourly rates for employees in the 18- to 20-year-old age bracket. Prepare for expanded reporting requirements for gender, ethnicity, and disability pay gaps
  • Develop a robust performance management process so that you can effectively record and monitor employee capability (a fair reason for dismissal)
  • Ensure your disciplinary and grievance procedures demonstrate fair procedures when dismissing employees
  • Have a brainstorm with the Senior Leadership Team on what the right to disconnect / switch off could mean for your business – how will this affect your current policies
  • If you operate using zero-hour contracts – what are the changes and associated cost with moving your people onto permanent contracts
  • Keep up to date with legislative changes. We recommend checking the CIPD website for updates.
  • Communicate with your people about what the changes are and why you are making them. Keeping them involved will make it easier all round and improve buy-in.

Questions to ask yourself 

What kind of employer do you want to be?

How do you want your people to feel about your business?

How do your current processes support that aspiration?

Do you consistently find brilliant people when you’re recruiting?

How can you enhance onboarding and development to make the best even better?

Do you have the right internal focus on people?

How People Puzzles can help?

People Puzzles helps ambitious businesses overcome barriers by taking a commercial and strategic approach to people planning to achieve bottom-line growth. While preparing for change in business is never easy, there are always ways to manage it to ensure a smoother experience for your people, and a positive outcome for commercial performance. Our team of fractional People Directors have operated at board-level in some of the UKs top brands, so there is no issue that will take by surprise!

You may already have an existing HR function that just needs a bit of steering, or you may need to start from scratch aligning a people plan to your business goals. If you want help reframing these changes as an opportunity to set the foundations to be an employer of choice and create business growth, we can help for as little as a day a week.

We can provide leadership and management training to help your leaders stay compliant. Our experts can improve your culture and make your business more appealing to top-quality talent.

Drop your details below to request a no obligation call with your local Regional Director

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See what our clients say!

Lynn guided me out of my comfort zone to help me achieve my goals

Samantha Freeman, Management Accountant, Wirtgen Group

I could not recommend Lynn more, she guided me out of my comfort zone to help me achieve my goals and to think about things from an alternative perspective. I have also had a few people comment on the positive changes they can see in me which is a result of our sessions.

Sarah is a trusted advisor and sounding board to both me and my team.

Claire Watkin, Managing Director, Trendsetter

Working with People Puzzles has enabled me to step out of the day to day running of the business and concentrate on our future strategic direction. Sarah has helped us focus on how we develop our future leaders, cross team collaboration, and enhance overall business performance, as well as supporting the achievement of B Corp status.

The achievements of the People Strategy have made a measurable difference.

Craig Bennett, Chief Executive Officer, Sigma

I can't thank Paula enough for all her support over the last 3 years. Her time with us turned out to be much longer than any of us expected but I guess this reflects the extraordinary events and circumstances we’ve encountered since 2019. The achievements of the People Strategy over this period have made a measurable difference to colleague engagement and has helped Sigma transition our people policies from that of an SME into market leading large corporate. Thank you.

Lynn was always positive and listened when it mattered

Coaching Client – Wirtgen Limited

I cannot give Lynn enough thanks for the help that she gave me to better understand myself and help me find the answers to some tough questions. Lynn was always positive and listened when it mattered, Thanks again Lynn.

I have been able to build a proactive relationship with Pauline

Amy Fisher, MD, Doby Verrolec

I have been able to build a proactive relationship with Pauline. I came into this role last year with an agenda for growth and we have been working together across employee engagement, contacts and policies.

Pauline developed our people strategy with a robust methodology

Jeremy Royle, MD, YourNRG

Pauline’s hands on approach helped us to build on the work we have already taken and develop our people strategy with a robust methodology to meet the current needs and future growth of the business.

Working closely with one local and very knowledgeable person

Amy Fisher, MD, Doby Verrolec

The real benefit of People Puzzles is that your business and industry sector needs are matched with one of the People Puzzles Directors. This means you work closely with one local and very knowledgeable person who can quickly understand the people needs of the business.

Working with Sarah has been a rewarding, productive and an educational experience

Chief Operating Officer, Salford Primary Care Together

We wanted to understand more about what was driving our organisational culture, key risks and issues, what our priorities should be, and to understand what we could achieve with our limited resources. Sarah brought commitment, pragmatism, and positivity to our challenges which helped us achieve many of our goals including organisational restructures, re-design of several key HR processes and upskilling of our teams.

Pauline has very quickly gotten to grips with Your NRG.

Managing Director, Your NRG

Pauline has very quickly gotten to grips with Your NRG, and has brought to our attention some processes that need our focus as a result of our recent rapid growth. We are pushing on with the more pressing operational day-to-day strategies and initiatives whilst also educating the SMT on their overall understanding of ‘cradle to grave’ employment. Pauline continues to work diligently and tirelessly for Your NRG and I am delighted to have her ongoing support alongside us as we continue on our journey to realise our levels of ambition.

Shaun changed the way we approach our senior meetings and helped develop our strategy.

Chair, Regular Cleaning

Shaun worked closely with me and the senior team and taught us a lot. He changed the way we approached our senior meetings and helped us develop our strategy. Shaun dedicated time for each team member and encouraged, educated and guided them to be the best they can be. We achieved so much in the time we worked with Shaun and he has helped to change our focus from working in the business to working on the business giving us time to dedicate to the progression of the teams that make up the rest of our family.

Jill has worked on many projects as our part time HR Director.

Founder, Aura

One was around sick days which she has now reduced by 75%. This has significantly minimised the disruption it was causing.

Stewart's work has been a major factor in helping us achieve our ambitious targets.

Gerry Simmonds, Safpro

Stewart helped to align our senior team around business goals and implemented clear people plan has been a major factor in helping us achieve our ambitious targets. We have grown 20% over the past two years and with the team we now have in place this growth is set to continue.

Lynn's work as our trusted HR consultant and my mentor has been absolutely invaluable.

Oktawia Ellis, HR Manager, We Seal

I have the distinct pleasure of working with Lynn at People Puzzles. Her work over the last few years as our trusted HR consultant and my mentor has been absolutely invaluable. Lynn is an expert in her field, she is very knowledgeable, encourageing, supportive, and an effective leader. She is also really funny and a pleasure to be around! I learned a lot from Lynn and I would strongly recommend her.

The impact Lynn has already had on our challenges are beyond my expectations

James Laxton, Managing Director, Laxtons

The impact Lynn has already had on the challenges we gave her are beyond my expectations. She has engaged with all our staff and her approach is a breath of fresh air for the business. The support she has given me has made some difficult issues appear straight forward and she has given a new lease of life in the business. We would not have been able to get to where we are now without her wealth of experience and hands on people approach and I am excited to see what the future brings working with Lynn.

Every team leader can now make decisions in line with the vision

Roy Bowie, Managing Director, GreenBlue Urban

I used to have the view that HR was managing difficult cases and moving people on with occasional recruitment support. But what People Puzzles does is so much more than that. It’s about the development of the business and its people as a whole which has been the biggest eye opener for me.

A trusted partner providing valuable scrutiny of our HR practices.

Crawford Knott, Managing Director, Hawk Training

Our workforce and people planning strategy needed developing, there was a clear need to better articulate our strategy. Doing the People Puzzles Discovery, allowed us to gain an objective view of where we were as a business and where we needed to develop in order to meet our goals. The output highlighted we needed to better define our vision, mission, values and strategy to enable our people to live and breathe them. Kerry worked closely with us to provide solutions and a plan to support implementation. I would certainly recommend a Discovery from People Puzzles if you want to gain a clear insight as to where you need to develop your strategy, or to implement one if it’s something you don’t have already.

Janet and People Puzzles have been invaluable to me and my Senior Team.

Dave Henderson, Group CEO, Direct Voice and Data

Janet spent time understanding our business needs and aspirations, then developed a people management strategy which she continues to oversee and deliver. Janet also provides 1-2-1 coaching to the SMT- she is professional, proactive and friendly and we are extremely pleased with the support and advice we have received. Janet is always available and quick to respond, the guidance and assistance given allows us to feel confident we’re approaching any HR matters the right way. I would happily recommend Janet to any business who needs HR support.

Alison only worked for us part-time but had a full-time presence and influence.

Duncan Forbes, Interim CEO, Valleys to Coast

Alison was always a sound, reliable and expert source of practical advice and made things happen. She has a good sense of humour and was very easy to work with. She acted as the sounding board that every Chief Executive needs, supporting the Board to deal with some difficult HR issues. She was a vital source of calm at the outbreak of the COVID pandemic as we grappled with the impact on the organisation and our team. I would strongly recommend her as a strategic HR advisor as she would be an asset to any Executive team, providing effective support and expert advice.

Lynn's approach is refreshing and ensures you get where you want to be much quicker than we would otherwise.

Tony Passmore, CEO, Passmore Group

Lynn has worked as our HR consultant for the last year and has helped us bring structure to our HR systems & processes – she has reviewed all our procedures as well creating new ones and for sure the Company and it’s people have benefited. Her matter of fact approach is refreshing and ensures you get where you want to be much quicker than we would otherwise. She is a hands on ‘do-er’ who gets things done and I recommend her to anyone who needs some real expertise in their HR.

Working with Gill has helped us develop a People Plan which goes beyond compliance

Bernard Sellars, Managing Director, Lindum Packaging

Working with Gill from People Puzzles has helped us develop a People Plan which goes beyond compliance – it has helped us as a team to achieve greater alignment and engagement with the business strategy and goals.

I found the personal development coaching I received from Lynn to be very beneficial.

Alex Calvert, Marketing and PR Account Manager, Intandem Communications Ltd

I found the personal development coaching I received from Lynn to be very beneficial. Lynn helped me to work on some very clear objectives with a good balance of supportiveness and knowing when to challenge and push me out of my comfort zone!

We are now in a strong position from a people perspective, to leverage the next 6 months and beyond

Craig Bennett, CEO, Sigma Group

Paula developed a clear People plan and road map, which has significantly moved us on. She has developed the existing HR team, and has ensured that we have progressed quickly on all the strategic initiatives that we identified. I’m confident that based on the last 6 months, with Paula’s input and contribution, we are now in a strong position from a people perspective, to leverage the next 6 months and beyond.

A very professional team

Chris Morling, Founder & CEO,

It’s been brilliant to have such knowledgeable consultants help us to empower our people. Stuart and Sophie were incredibly flexible, adapting their services to our business and existing culture. I’d highly recommend People Puzzles.

Shifted my view of HR!

Gavin Pooley, Managing Director, Liquidline

I used to think that HR was all about employment law compliance and managing the administration basics. I didn’t get the hugely positive impact strategic HR could make to the business – I do now!’

Transformed my understanding

Managing Director, B2B Supplies and Support Services

Having Alison on the team is like having another MD/MBA in the business. She has totally transformed my understanding of HR.

Fantastic support!

Kerry Berry, Director, S&K Berry Associates LLP

Lynn has been a fantastic support to us and an ongoing fountain of knowledge. If you have a business and/or staff you need to take care of, you need a Lynn on your team!

Such a detailed process

Sue Ford, Director, Bridge Case Management

Lynn ran a detailed process and I wasn’t allowed to get away with anything – All relevant issues were included and dealt with objectively.

We’ve accomplished a lot!

Joseph Carr, Managing Director, Carrs Pasties

This is an inspiring story and it’s all true. I can’t believe it’s about us! We’ve accomplished a lot over the last 18 months.

Helping us shape the business

Stuart Hill, CEO, WNDirect

Carole has helped me and the business massively and added real value while helping us shape the business.

Vee has now been Albany's HR Director for a year, and has delivered a huge amount for the company

Bertie Kerr, Managing Director, Albany Associates Ltd

Vee started with a baseline study of where we were. She then presented a work plan to deliver over the coming months, and while some priorities have changed it is impressive to look back and see how much has been achieved. She has become a trusted member of the senior team, providing advice and guidance on difficult topics, and is regularly consulted by the staff for her input.

Alison joined Valleys to Coast in March 2019 on an interim basis and 18 months later is still with us!!

Joanne Oak, Chief Executive Officer, Valleys to Coast Housing

Alison has been instrumental working with me to recruit to a permanent role. Alison’s approach has been one of partnership, contributing as part of the strategic leadership team, which has been critically important given the turbulence the organisation has been through. Alison is always available, responsive and I would highly recommend her from expert HR support to

Over the last 3 years, People Puzzles has helped build a very strong people culture at the RVT Group

Phil Dupont, Director, RVT Group

We now have a clear Vision for the Companies 5 Pillars, In-house manager, leadership ‘Power 90’ Training and a rhythm of key meetings throughout each year. This has had a direct contribution to the significant growth of the company in the last 3 years… With this support from People Puzzles continuing, the company continues to grow both financially and culturally for the benefit of all.

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