People Director Catherine Wood

Crafting and renovating a house by the sea – meet People Director Catherine Wood

A flexible and fractional approach to working has enabled People Director Catherine Wood to move to the coast and renovate a home, while still enjoying the professional challenge of finding solutions to help clients thrive.

Tell us a little bit about your working background before joining People Puzzles?

After working as a teacher, I started my HR career for Boots the Chemist and then worked for a number of industries (mainly technology companies) until April 2022.

fractional People Director Catherine WoodWhy did you apply to People Puzzles?

In May 2020, the group of companies I was employed in was sold and I was retained as People Director to lead the transition. This was mainly during the pandemic and the group of companies were deemed essential workers. It was pretty manic and very long working hours.  Once completed, I was in a lovely financial position of having a retainer and some time to think about what to do next. I decided I deserved a work/life balance but still wanted to be challenged professionally. I didn’t want to start a company from scratch on my own (I’m not very patient!), so I shopped around and did my research on HR consultancy companies.

How did you find the first few weeks ? 

I made contact late April, induction took place in June and I won a client in August 2022. However, I didn’t really get going until October, but that had been made clear in the People Puzzles application process.

Describe your typical work environment now and what is the best thing about it.

I spend 3 to 4 days a week at customer sites throughout the East of England, which is perfect for me. I also schedule some `at home` days to catch up, process invoices etc. My companies are between 5 and 50 people and across a very wide range of industries; many long days and driving, but really interesting challenges and lovely people.

What’s the best thing about the People Puzzles model?fractional People Director Catherine Wood

When I explain the model to people – family, friends, people met in the pub! – they are so impressed by the concept. It makes you think, why don’t more companies do this in our hybrid working world. I talk for hours on portfolio working! I love talking about `my companies`.

What have you found most meaningful about your work for People Puzzles?

I find it rewarding to be supporting MD/CEOs of small companies in crisis; finding solutions to make a client’s life easier is really meaningful for me.

Do you feel that your contributions are recognised and how is this shown?

Yes, I get lots of thanks from clients…and get asked back again when I know this is a big expense for them.

What is the most important thing you have learnt during your time at People Puzzles and how did you come to learn this?

My organisation has been challenged by clients cancelling/rescheduling at short notice, 4.30am starts and the concept of getting as much business for me and People Puzzles whilst recognising the cost to very small businesses. I do give more time than is charged for, but I build relationships for long term opportunities.

What has People Puzzles done to support you in achieving your professional development goals?

The network of `Dear all` emails is really useful to throw out a question and it’s nice to support others by sharing my toolkit. The Learn Amp resource is really useful in saving time and the central team are very patient and helpful.

What areas are you passionate about outside of your work and how has working for People Puzzles enabled you to pursue these interests?

fractional People Director Catherine WoodI am into crafts – rag-rugging, fused glass etc and do more of this at weekends now that I’m not coming home late on a Friday night totally exhausted! Also, the nature of working across different locations really opened up the options of where to live (my partner is already retired) so we have taken a crazy gamble of moving to a totally new area, to a big house that needs work and is by the sea. It looks like something out of the Addams Family films but we are sooooo excited!

Your advice to anyone considering People Puzzles?

Do it….if you can be flexible on working hours. Lean in and go with the flow – you need to be resilient as you don’t know everything about each company/industry as you do when employed as a People Director but you learn such interesting things. Give it time to build up.

What advice would you give a new PD to getting the most out of working with People Puzzles?

Have a great People Plan template to encourage longevity and remind you of all the skills you bring to the role; and get your toolbox of materials sorted so you can re-use materials across different companies to save prep time.

fractional People Director Catherine Wood's dog




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