Fractional People DIrector Barbara Johnson

Flexibility to volunteer for military charity – meet People Director Barbara Johnson

Supporting SMEs on a fractional basis has enabled People Director Barbara Johnson fulfil her passion of volunteering as a Trustee for the Women’s Royal Army Corps Association. Meet  Barbara Johnson from our Midlands Team.

In what way has People Puzzles helped you to thrive? 

Fractional People DIrector Barbara Johnson
Fractional People Director Barbara Johnson

Working with People Puzzles has given me the flexibility to do new things, both personally (as I work part time) and professionally. I have had the opportunity to work in different industries from my previous corporate career, such as the charity sector, scientific research, and childcare. I have also supported large family-owned organisations such as Davies Turner, a leading international freight forwarding, logistics and warehousing company. I really enjoy the variety of the work, and the range of different clients.

What have you found most meaningful about your work with People Puzzles and their clients? 

I love working on business improvements with the senior team. All my clients have been great, and it is so rewarding to see their organisations advance, especially in terms of their people.  I don’t measure growth just in terms of size and turnover, but in the positive change you can see in their people, particularly within the HR and leadership teams as confidence grows; that gives me a buzz.

What areas are you passionate about outside of your work?

As an Army veteran myself, I am passionate about my role as a Trustee for the Women’s Royal Army Corps Association, a military charity providing benevolent support for female veterans who served in either the ATS or WRAC. We are also a membership organisation with a volunteer branch network across the UK that organises a variety of social events for female veterans throughout the year.  I love travel and walking. As my husband and I live in the Peak District, we are lucky to have lots of beautiful walks on our doorstep.

What excites you most about the next 5 years of your career with People Puzzles 

I have been delighted to watch People Puzzles go from strength to strength over the years. I am looking forward to more great experiences of working with PP clients, gaining new insights through regular conferences and partnership networks, as well as continuing to develop personally through the shared collective knowledge and experience of talented like-minded People Directors.

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