Business Continuity Planning Diagnostic

Business Continuity Planning Diagnostic

We are now offering a one day diagnostic package to help you action plan for the next few months, which we can help you implement if required.

We are still regularly updating our Coronavirus FAQs and have produced a free toolkit around staffing options during this time, but have been approached by a number of clients who want some hands-on support through the rapidly changing situation. It is such a difficult time at the moment, and we know that with a planned response makes things much easier.

This business continuity diagnostic includes:

1. Strategic and big picture business planning

  • Strategic business planning support: scenario planning and timeframes
  • Reviewing and amending the business plans and revenue expectations for the next 3+ months
  • Staffing options – short and long term financial options and implications, including a variety of options for restructuring, salary reduction, amended hours, both practically and legally.

2. Managing operations in the short term

  • Practical action plan around resource planning, managing and paying employees through sick leave, self-isolation, school closures etc
  • How to continue giving clients great service with a remote/skeleton workforce

3. Supporting your team with home working

  • Working from home and getting the best out of people
  • Line Manager training to manage by results
  • A great communications plan which reinforces your culture and values
  • How to keep some positivity and fun in a completely changed working environment.

As a team of over 50 People Directors, we have poured a lot of our knowledge and best practice into our toolkits, and are absolutely committed to delivering value, and a real focus on helping your business survive this epidemic. Contact us to find out more.

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