Five characteristics of an effective leadership team

Five characteristics of an effective leadership team

At People Puzzles we’ve worked with hundreds of businesses and noticed that the most successful ones often have a number of characteristics in common.  Here are five key qualities that we tend to see in those businesses:

1. The leadership team has a shared purpose. Everyone knows why they’re there; everyone has bought into the business goals and knows what they want to achieve. They all agree on what the top priority for the business is right now.

2. There are very strong trusting relationships which allow for healthy and robust debates around issues that don’t get personal. Points are made directly but respectfully, and everyone is receptive to criticism; they are prepared to hear as well as give tough messages.

3. Everyone is accountable regardless of their role in the organisation – from CEO to facilities support. Everyone is prepared to take on responsibility for their area.

4. Success is measurable – and there is a clear vision of what it looks like. Not just the overarching goal, but everyone’s role in making it happen. This helps everyone to pull in the same direction because they can all see how their work contributes to the common goal.

5. There are complementary skills in the team, and everyone is aware of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This understanding is coupled with a willingness to adjust behaviour in order to get the best out of others. At People Puzzles, we run sessions using DiSC profiling, which helps business leaders gain a better understanding of how they work together.

Why these characteristics are vital

When leadership teams are not aligned and there’s a lack of trust, it can lead to factions within the team, which ultimately affects the rest of the business. If the leadership team is giving mixed messages, the rest of the workforce won’t have a clear idea of what they’re meant to do. This in turn will affect productivity, and a business with engaged employees is 21% more profitable.


If you want an effective and insightful leadership team to help your business grow or are interested in learning more about DiCS Profiling for your team, get in touch today. Call us on 0203 6336 830 to find out more.

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