Four habits of an effective leadership team

Four habits of an effective leadership team

A strong business leader can only take their business to a certain size on their own; beyond that, they’ll need an effective leadership team around them to continue making progress and achieving growth.

But how do you make sure your leadership team is effective? Here are four habits that really make a difference:


1. They hold each other to account. Leadership team members are not prepared to just coast or simply follow the CEO – all members of the leadership team challenge where necessary and hold each other to account.

2. They address problems openly and constructively to get to the root of problematic issues. These leadership teams won’t bury problems or leave them festering undiscussed. There will be a high level of candour between them so they can go deep into problems, using tools such as IDS (Identify/Discuss/Solution) or other recognised systems, so they go right to the root cause of a problem rather than simply treating the symptoms.

3. They listen to each other. The CEO, the leadership team and all of the managers in the business are prepared to listen and take feedback on-board – whether it’s good or bad.

4. They have an agreed way of working together, such as communicating actions from the senior team to the rest of the business, tracking them and having a clear framework in place where accountability is clear. Once in place, these ways of working don’t need too much further thought. However, if they’re not in place or simply are not working properly, it can lead to serious problems.


Do you want your leadership team to develop good habits? Good management skills are crucial to growing a successful business of any size. Find out more about the leadership and management coaching that we offer at People Puzzles, delivered by experienced and qualified HR Directors. Call us on 0203 6336 830 to find out more.

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