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Leading a “Best Company” to work for – podcast s2e2 with Dan May, Commercial Director, Ramsac

Leading a “Best Company” to work for – featuring Dan May, Commercial Director of Ramsac


What can cauliflowers teach us about great service and culture?

Well, as it turns out, quite a lot, according to the Commercial Director of IT service provider Ramsac Dan May. And those learnings must be pretty good, as Ramsac has been featured in the Best Places to Work list on multiple occasions, ranking in the top 10 in 2023.

In this week’s episode, Ally chats with Dan about working on a leadership team with a family member (accidentally), why great customer service always starts with how you treat your people, and of course, the story behind the cauliflowers.

Listen below, or find and subscribe wherever you usually find your podcasts.


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