Webinar Recording: Navigating the Coronavirus maze

Webinar Recording: Navigating the Coronavirus maze

Watch the full recording of our webinar as we try and provide the best answers we can to business owners about their current issues and questions around Coronavirus.

With the advice around Coronavirus changing every day on the 2nd April we ran a live Q&A with our sister business specialists across the Liberti group: HR, Marketing, Finance, Legal and IT. There’s no doubt as business owners we have some difficult times ahead, but as a group we aim to support you offering the latest advice, solutions and opportunities.


Steve Clarke – Freeman Clarke – CIOs, CTOs and IT Directors 

00:49 – Now our staff are at home, how can I make sure they are working effectively? 

02:26 – How do I continue to work closely with suppliers and outsources now I’m running a business that’s made up of people working from home? 

04:32 – Can tech help me sort out my operations and supplier chain to deal with the current situation and the new normal that’s coming down the line? 

06:13 – What role might blockchain technology play in adjusting current problems caused by centralization? 

07:30 –  What could I do to make sure my team are working safely from home right now with the right technology? 

08:57 – Am I more at risk then from a cyber-attack at the moment and is there anything I can do? 

Richard Hancock – The Marketing Centre – Part-Time Marketing Directors 

10:56 –  What advice can be offered so far as to what we should we be doing during this pandemic and what we should avoid doing? 

13:35 – My current business is being severely disrupted by current events, what should I do to find new markets? 

17:35 – What should I be doing to prepare my business to grow again once this is all over? 

Nevil Durrant – The FD Centre – Finance 

19:58 –  What are the expected economic impacts recession, the banking sector, will it be like 2008 or 2009? 

24:15 – Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan – Can you talk us through the general experience on  applications – How are banks behaving? 

Jane Ryan – Your Right Hand – Part-Time Bookkeepers 

25:20 – Credit Control – How do we get as much money in as quickly as possible?

Sharon Bridgland-Gough – Peoples Puzzles – Part-Time HR Directors 

30:16 – What should be the practical process for furlough? 

32:59 – What’s the process for reducing hours or reducing income? 

35:38 – Does furlough affect maternity pay arrangements? 

36:37 –  What about annual leave arrangements? Can I force people to take annual leave? Can they carry it over?  

38.53 – What tips do you have on remote working?  

Yinan Zhu – My In-House Lawyer – Senior Level In House Legal Support 

40:47 – What’s the legal view on the performance on external contracts at this time? 

44:58 – What’s the LEGAL stance on refunding customers for cancelled events due to Covid-19? If out standard T&Cs cover Force Majeure and Government advice, are we entitled to push for a postponement/Credit rather than a refund.  

49:37 – How to determine the right level of duty of care to employees whilst trying to maintain business viability; what’s the legal connotations of protecting publicly facing staff and what if they fall ill? 

Please do drop us an email if you need any more help around any of these issues.

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