What a part time HR Director can do for your business

What a part time HR Director can do for your business

People Puzzles part-time HR Directors can help turn your business around, give you a better work/life balance and bring the passion back for running your company.

Jane and Joe’s Deluxe Blender manufacturing company had grown very quickly into a business of fifty plus employees. At first this was great, but as time wore on it seemed that things had got a bit out of hand. Joe was always pulled away from what he wanted to be doing to deal with sales problems, missed orders and distribution partners who didn’t seem to be pulling their weight. Jane’s passion for the business was draining slowly with persistent account queries and staff issues. They both felt they couldn’t concentrate on what made the business great in the first place, they felt tired and despondent.

Time for a holiday with the kids, unfortunately work chased them wherever they went. The kids felt neglected as Joe and Jane sat by the pool glued to their mobiles and laptops dealing with the never ending problems of a business spiralling out of control. When they returned they were just as tired and despondent as before.

Until one of their friends suggested People Puzzles. A group of HR Directors who had escaped the rat race of massive conglomerates to bring their corporate knowledge to help business owners and companies where they could make the greatest impact. People Puzzles HR Directors had turned his business around and now he was much happier with his work life balance and had time to work on his passion for his company.

Jane gave them a call and soon, Emma, a fully qualified HR Director came for a chat. Emma’s fact finding mission led to a number of major discoveries and she got to work immediately in helping Joe and Jane get back in control. She came up with a plan, Emma knew that when she got the right people in place she could help Deluxe Blenders grow bigger and better without the headaches. Joe and Jane were excited as Emma got work work coming up with the right blend of business know-how and HR excellence.

In no time at all the distributors had been ditched and plans were made to open in three countries over the next five years. With Emma’s newly established leadership team and structured meetings they upped their profit margin by 13% and doubled their turnover in the UK. The sales team got great new working processes, and the appointment of a new, highly qualified sales manager, which with Emma’s structured work model took the heat off Joe and Jane, leaving them free to find time for the kids and get back the passion they had for their ever growing business.

Why not let People Puzzles find the perfect blend for your business. Call us today to see how we can help on 020 3633 6830.

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