Why Should A Business Consider a HR Director?

Why Should A Business Consider a HR Director?

Two of our Regional Directors discuss in this video why you should consider hiring a HR Director.

Stuart Calvert: Part time HR Directors are able to bring a wealth of experience, typically from a corporate environment, on a part time basis. What that means is your not paying a massive annual salary, your only paying for a part time HR Director when you need one.

Joanna Ramsdale: Lots of SME businesses would like the help and support of a highly skilled and brilliant HR Director, but lets be honest about it, those people do command extremely high salaries. Often our HR Directors have been in corporate organisations and big businesses where they have been paid lots of money for working at board level. Acquiring incredible skills and abilities that the SME market isn’t accessing at the moment because they are not able to pay £200,000-£250,000 a year for a really senior professional.

Stuart: Most businesses in the SME space don’t need a full time HR Director, but they really need and value that resource and expertise they can tap into on a part time basis. It gives them the flexibility to have that expertise when they need it most.

Jo: So what businesses get is an appropriate amount of time with that individual HR Expert. Yet still accessing the really clever thinking of these people that at the moment only corporates are affording to have. What we want to do is have all SMEs in the UK be able to access this same level of excellence and thinking that corporates currently have, to enable them to put the best people strategies in place to grow.

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