Why should HR report to the CEO and not to Finance or Operations?

Why should HR report to the CEO and not to Finance or Operations?

Why should HR report to the CEO and not to Finance or Operations?

One of our Regional Directors, Stuart Calvert, explains why HR should report directly to the CEO.


HR Directors sit on the board and that’s where they should be. Their focus is around the entirety of the organisation and they have to have a holistic view of what the organisation is all about. Sitting on the board and reporting to the CEO gives them that opportunity to really make a difference to the organisation.

By reporting through another function there’s always a dilution of the message. Sitting at board level, speaking directly to the CEO, being that trusted partner and advisor is a really important part of the HR Director role.

Stuart Calvert, Regional Director

Find out more about the HR services that People Puzzles can offer your business, contact us or call us to discuss your needs on 0808 164 5826.

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