Working flexibly, People Director Linda Evans has supported one client to achieve B Corps accreditation, another to set up an office overseas and still find time to fulfill personal goals with friends.
In what way has PP helped you to thrive?
People Puzzles has given me work and that in itself has enabled me to thrive. I like the connections that you make in People Puzzles, because consultancy can be lonely . Now, if I come across an issue I haven’t faced before, I can bet my bottom dollar that someone else in the wider team has dealt with something similar before and can provide advice based on experience.
Have you had one stand out moment when you have felt lucky to work with PP?
I have worked with Faversham House since 2016 and aided them to achieve B Corp accreditation with a lot more points than expected, which was a huge achievement. I also enjoyed working out how to set up an office in the Philippines for Pinnacle Furniture Ltd and seeing it through from start to finish. On a personal note, it is the flexibility and autonomy over my own time that I appreciate. Even when clients are demanding they don’t care when I complete work as long as it is completed.
What have you found most meaningful about your work with PP and their clients?
I particularly like helping the clients and introducing them to different processes and procedures that are standard and taken for granted in the corporate world. However, smaller clients might not know about them and when you introduce them into that business you see it lead to success.
What areas are you passionate about outside of your work?
I’m part of a group called The Marvellous Mountaineers. We are looking forward to completing the fifth of the UK & Ireland Five Peaks this year. We are also known as the Prosecco Pedestrians, as we celebrate reaching each summit with a miniature bottle of prosecco! We have been climbing one a year and this June will see us complete the challenge by ascending Carrauntoohil in Ireland. We have also completed the South Down Challenge.
Working for People Puzzles has enabled me to spend more time with my family and my boys. One of my sons is profoundly deaf and the flexibility has enabled me to be around for his appointments.
What excites you most about the next 5 years of your career with PP?
I hope to continue to support and help clients with the varying challenges that come along. It is exciting when you get asked if you can find an overseas office for a client and you have to work out how to action it and work it all the way through to completion. I enjoy the unexpected!