GDPR Action Plan for IT: 6 months to go

Succession Planning & Talent Management

Succession Planning & Talent Management

Healthy businesses don’t just focus on who is working today and what skills they have now; they keep an eye on the future, and where the business is going. People Puzzles Succession Planning and Talent Management HR services can help you foster this strategy of business continuity.

Most small and mid-tier businesses balance developing their own staff, and hiring in new skills from the outside. However, with the cost of recruitment so high, it is often more cost effective and beneficial to promote career development from within.

Our Succession Planning Process

Our HR directors can help you with succession planning in the workplace. We will work with you to:

• Understand and articulate what makes a great supervisor, team leader or manager.

• Evaluate staff – where they are today and where they could get to.

• Give opportunities to people to test and develop their leadership and management skills.

• Provide training and development to your star performers.

• Move people up in the organisation – it’s crucial to have strong deputies in place as you expand or in case people leave.

Benefits of Succession Planning for your Business

Succession planning and talent management is crucial for:

• Business contingency and continuity

• Giving your staff career development opportunities

• Making the most of your brightest and best team members

• Building loyalty and long-term knowledge in the team

• Steering a steady ship with low staff turnover.

Contact us today for further information on our Succession Planning & Team Management services.

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