Webinar Recording: Creating a winning communication framework that drives success in challenging times

Webinar Recording: Creating a winning communication framework that drives success in challenging times

Over the last four months many of our teams have experienced furlough, restructuring, redundancy, part-time working, salary reductions, isolation, no childcare… things we could have never predicted back in February. Our challenge as business leaders is to build a communications framework to help our teams come to terms with all of that and to help them remain motivated and engaged with our business vision.

Webinar: Creating a winning communication framework

In this mini webinar, our CEO Ally Maughan chats with Sally Pritchett from leading creative and brand agency Something Big, on how we can achieve this.

Find out how to build a communications framework that will:

  • reinforce your business culture
  • create an inclusive remote environment
  • motivate your teams, sustain momentum and allay employee anxieties

Creating a winning communication framework that drives success in challenging times

Download the slides here.

We hope that by addressing these issues that cause concern and uncertainty for business leaders and owners that we’re able to help you move beyond the current crisis and best position your business for the ‘new’ future ahead. If you couldn’t make the webinar and would prefer a complimentary 30 minute call to further this conversation, please call us on 0203 239 3307 or email on [email protected].


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