Why did you start People Puzzles?

Why did you start People Puzzles?

Why did you start People Puzzles?


Our Founder, Ally Maughan, talks about why she started People Puzzles.


Mid-tier businesses often need access to expertise of a senior level person, who’s going to help them think about how they can grow, how they can get the best out of their people, how they can make profit. Often an in-house HR resource doesn’t think like that, and wont be challenging you to be better about how you get the most out of your people to run a successful business.

People Puzzles really was founded around that thought. If we can harness the power of people and we can provide and affordable, long-term, part-time resource to clients that need that expertise then we’re onto a winner!

Going back to our values of Win-Win. The client gets this brilliant person and doesn’t have to pay for them all the time. The HR Director gets a really varied and interesting career and brings their big business expertise, that we help them filter and develop into a mid-tier, SME type of business offering.

And we get that excitement of growing a business. We provide the sales support, the training. We provide the way for our HRDs to access those kinds of clients which they couldn’t do on their own.

So its like a magical package, Everybody’s a winner!

Ally Maughan

Ally Maughan, Founder

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