People Puzzles

Blog banner showing image of bedroom and The Fine Bedding Company logo with blog title Supporting a lasting legacy at The Fine Bedding Company: how leadership development and strategic people planning helped support sustainable business growth

Supporting a lasting legacy at the Fine Bedding Company: how leadership development and strategic people planning have strengthened the foundations for sustainable business growth

In 1912, Harrison & Jones was established in Liverpool to supply beds and bedding to transatlantic liners. The business grew successfully over the next 60 years and in 1974 it became known as Trendsetter, which still operates as the parent company today, now trading under the Fine Bedding Company brand. The business provides bespoke bedding […]

Supporting a lasting legacy at the Fine Bedding Company: how leadership development and strategic people planning have strengthened the foundations for sustainable business growth Read More »

Blog banner with picture and logo from Avicenna Pharmacy and title supporting acquisition through proven people strategy

Supporting acquisition through proven people strategy: how Avicenna scaled up with help from a trusted people expert

Building solid HR foundations can be challenging for any fast-growing business, but when that growth is radically accelerated by a major acquisition, the task becomes much more complex. Community pharmacy Avicenna called on People Puzzles to support its continued growth and we were delighted to step in.

Supporting acquisition through proven people strategy: how Avicenna scaled up with help from a trusted people expert Read More »

Headshort portrait of Sara Daw and blog title on right reading The future of work: introducing the Spotify of the C-Suite

The future of work: introducing the Spotify of the C-Suite (with Sarah Daw)

The future of work: Introducing the Spotify of the C-Suite (with Sarah Daw, CEO at the Liberti Group and the CFO Centre Group) Is the C-suite model still fulfilling business needs? What is psychological ownership? And what has Spotify got to do with running a successful business?

The future of work: introducing the Spotify of the C-Suite (with Sarah Daw) Read More »

Blog banner with december19 logo and image on left with blog title "findinga new leader within a founder-led business - simplifying succession at december19"

Finding new leadership within a founder-led business: simplifying succession at December19

Under its founders’ leadership, December19 had already established a thriving culture with a strong focus on development. When the founders decided it was time to step away from the day-to-day operations, they were committed to recruiting from within the business. Aware of the complexities this can involve, they enlisted expert help to recruit internally while

Finding new leadership within a founder-led business: simplifying succession at December19 Read More »

Blog banner with title Embracing the challenges and opportunities of the multi-generational workforce

Embracing the challenges and opportunities of the multi-generational workforce (webinar)

Embracing the challenges and opportunities of the multi-generational workforce (webinar) A special collaboration between SomethingBig and People Puzzles, we are delighted to invite you to this webinar examining the unique challenges and opportunities of the unprecedented generational span currently in the workplace. With up to five generations now present in the workforce – as Gen

Embracing the challenges and opportunities of the multi-generational workforce (webinar) Read More »

Blog banner shows photo of eastcoast dockyard with caption Creating sustainable business futures through strategic people planning

Creating sustainable business futures through strategic people planning

Creating sustainable business futures through strategic people planning by Sarah Hamilton, Eastern Regional Director Despite widespread economic challenges, a growing number of businesses throughout the UK have been quietly thriving. Taking a strategic, low-risk approach to people-focused business planning, they have adopted a unique, fractional model of HR consultancy, transforming their businesses in just one

Creating sustainable business futures through strategic people planning Read More »

Blog banner with picture of Mark Scott and two dogs with podcast episode title The underdog that helped change the petfood industry

The underdog that helped change the pet food industry, with Mark Scott, co-founder of Bella & Duke

The underdog that helped change the pet food industry, with Mark Scott, co-founder of Bella & Duke “The toughest challenge for any entrepreneur is attracting great people.” This week’s podcast guest is Mark Scott, co-founder of pioneering petfood brand Bella & Duke, who as well as being an investor, mentor and speaker, has been recognised

The underdog that helped change the pet food industry, with Mark Scott, co-founder of Bella & Duke Read More »

Blog banner with headshot on the right of People Director Jules Gordon and title "The tech talent challenge: driving innovation and growth with your employee value proposition"

The tech talent challenge: driving innovation and growth with your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

How to conquer the tech talent challenge  The UK’s tech sector is known for its innovation and growth. However, this sector is facing a significant challenge: a shortage of skilled and talented professionals. In this article, People Director Jules Gordon explores what businesses can do to meet the challenges of the talent shortage, strengthen their

The tech talent challenge: driving innovation and growth with your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Read More »

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